Wednesday, January 21, 2015

BellaNaija Weddings presents #AsoEbiBella – Vol. 73

Happy Wednesday! Today’s edition is short and sweet.
For the newbies, an #AsoEbiBella is a wedding guest {bella} looking stunning in aso-ebi – the fabric/colours of the day, at a traditional engagement or wedding.

@powedelawrence asoebi by @renismith beads by @sveltekenny
@powedelawrence asoebi by @renismith beads by @sveltekenny
@munachiiiaso ebi, asoebi
sisters and their mum @mymimims
sisters and their mum @mymimims
Kiki Umeh
Kiki Umeh
@okija, @noble_igwe, @lamidelagos
@okija, @noble_igwe, @lamidelagos
@shakaracouture design makeup by @banksbmpro
@shakaracouture design makeup by @banksbmpro
@aky_90_ in @akposokudu
@aky_90_ in @akposokudu
Kiki Umeh
Kiki Umeh
@kanyinsoladada makeup by @sitprettymakeupmaverick
@kanyinsoladada makeup by @sitprettymakeupmaverick
@call_me_tols in @liberaldesigns
@call_me_tols in @liberaldesigns
@shola_oke Bukki and @mstoyosi, photo by @scgeorge1
@shola_oke Bukki and @mstoyosi, photo by @scgeorge1
Fola faro
Fola faro
@meez_jay in @revacompletefashion
@meez_jay in @revacompletefashion
@redrossay in  @sexiestlol
@redrossay in @sexiestlol
Nene in @akposokudu
Nene in @akposokudu
@toolzo gele @sinaribeauty makeup @hani.kleib
@toolzo gele @sinaribeauty makeup @hani.kleib
designer @akposokudu
designer @akposokudu
FB_20150114_09_24_28_Saved_Pictureaso ebi, asoebi
Fola Faro
Fola Faro
@aleromarcelphotographys cutie
@aleromarcelphotographys cutie
@myrealnameisgold by @beccaneedlesnstitches
@myrealnameisgold by @beccaneedlesnstitches
Mide and Mide Jnr
Mide and Mide Jnr
Princess Ameerha
Princess Ameerha
Fajolu boys
Fajolu boys

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